How many injections are due to be given today?
Use our hourly analysis of injections due to be given to patients on your ward to understand your staffing needs and improve patient care.
Medicines given by injection require more highly qualified nursing staff. Triscribe can tell you how many injections are due to be given on your ward on an hour by hour basis. This helps you manage your staffing for the day ahead.
Under severe staffing pressure, this feature became an urgent need. A hospital pharmacist asked us to provide a specific analysis with just this information ahead of planned strike days.
It took us two days to develop and release the new software.
Use cases
Pharmacists can use this to understand the need for clinical pharmacists to makeup or supervise medicines for injection.
Ward managers can identify when they need the numbers and experience of nursing staff to administer and monitor medicines given by injection.
Doctors can review these lists and seek to move patients to oral doses of medicine in advance.
How it works
The main Triscribe dashboard shows all our current analytics. Click the Admin Burden tile and then select Current Predicted Injection Levels from the list in grey on the left side of the screen.
This is a simple, focused chart, so there is only 1 filter. Select the ward or wards you want to review. You can simply enter your own ward or add several wards if you want to plan across more than one ward.
Once you have made your selection, click Apply Filters, you will now see a screen listing all patients prescribed the medicine you have selected.
This information is valuable in its own right. You may also want to go further. For example, to find out if you could reduce the number of injections. That means knowing which patients are due to be administered medicines by injection.
Simply hover over the chart and click to see the list of patients due to receive injections on each ward.. Together with the medicines to be administered, the dose and the time of scheduled administration.
Find out more
Use the link below to view a guide to Admin Burden online or to watch a short demo video.
We would love to hear from you. What information about medicines usage would help you cope with the pressures of your job in the NHS? How could better data about medicines usage reduce the workload for your team ?
Triscribe is quick and easy to adopt. You can buy through G-Cloud or just get in touch. We would love to work with you. Send me an email or schedule a 15 minute call to find out more or share your feedback.