Better management of KPIs
How better data about medicines usage can help you measure progress against all sorts of targets and KPIs. And improve patient care while doing so
Management of the NHS depends on measuring progress against set targets. There is a bewildering variety of these measures handed down by the Government, NHS nationally, the CQC, ICSs and so on. Or set for themselves by NHS bodies such as Hospital Trusts. Accompanied by a wide lexicon of business buzzwords - KPIs, metrics, objectives, targets, goals and the rest.
You might argue that there are far too many of these measures. Coming from a business and accounting background, I would completely agree with you. However, that is not going to change anytime soon. What is within our power to change is the time spent gathering information, tracking and reporting all these numbers.
I mentioned this in my last post introducing the Triscribe Meds Data Health Check. One output of the health check is “Indicators of progress against 10 key KPIs set by CQUINs, CQC or ICS standards”.
With the full version of Triscribe, your hospital can go much further. Triscribe provides a complete, consistent and integrated view of medicines usage in your hospital. Many measures rely on medicines data directly. Our AI uses medicines data to understand hospital activity. That gives insights into many more measures.
Better data about medicines usage means information more easily accessible, more often. Here are some measures Triscribe helps you monitor and track every single day:
CQUIN03 - IV to oral switching of antibiotics. Daily lists of patients that need review. Track the percentage of antibiotics given by IV. Find a sample list of patients for reporting.
100% of inpatients should be prescribed oxygen. Monitor for active inpatients and admissions every day. Set parameters to align with local hospital policy. Track percentage of patients prescribed.
Number and percentage of patients with Parkinson’s disease and / or diabetes who received their medication on time. See patients overdue for medication on each ward. League table of delayed doses by ward specifically for Parkinson’s meds and insulins. Time series comparison of performance against this metric is available.
Average length of stay. Measure level of medication per 100 bed days. Track length of stay. Analyse length of stay by type of medication or by ward and type of care.
Spending on high-cost drugs (HCDs). See levels of HCDs used on each ward every day. Monitor HCDs purchased, dispensed, and given to patients.
Triscribe analytics and AI shows you this information every day. Managers and leaders can use that to report on progress, to identify variations and areas for improvement, and to see the impact of interventions.
That management activity has three direct impacts on your hospital’s performance:
Quicker and easier reporting of results. That saves time, at least an hour a week for everyone involved.
Better performance against key measures. That translates into more money, for example, through the CQUIN scheme.
The most important thing, better patient care. All those measures are messy and confusing. The underlying intent is good. Help make sure every patient gets the best possible care.
Find out more
If you are interested in getting Triscribe for your hospital, please get in touch. Send me an email or schedule a 15 minute call to find out more or share your feedback.